Saturday 29 October 2011

MDA: A Formal Approach to Game Design

One of our readings had a look into the MDA framework (standing for mechanics, dynamics and aesthetics) and how it is applied to making games.
The note I have taken from the reading are as follows:

Specifically, iterative, qualitative and quantitative analyses support the designer in two important ways. They help analyze the end result to refine implementation, and analyze the implementation to refine the result. By approaching a task from both perspectives, we can consider a wide range of possibilities and Independence's.

MDA is a formal approach to understanding games - one which attempts to bridge the gap between game design and development, game criticism, and technical game research.

The MDA framework formalizes the consumption of games breaking them into their distinct components:

RULES ---> SYSTEM ---> "FUN"

... and then establishes their design counterparts:


Describes the particular components of the game, at the level of data and algorithms

Describes the run-time behaviour of the mechanics acting on player inputs and each others outputs over time.

Describes the desirable emotional response evoked in the player when they interact with the game.

What I have learnt from this reading is that when working with games it is helpful to consider both the designer and the player perspectives. This framework sets out a good way to view each section of creating games.


  1. These notes are good, if a little brief. You might want to see how the framework could be applied to a game you are very familiar with, or to the game you are designing. This would help lock down your understanding of the concept even more. So, for example, what kind of aesthetics are you hoping to achieve in your group project game?


  2. hi,

    it is really good to see work from other modules appearing on the blog, i am enjoying reading them. Make sure you are blogging regularly about the articles you are reading.
