Friday 7 October 2011

In the Beginning, There is the Games Designer

As part of the course I was asked to read a section of a book called 'The Art of Games Design: A book of lenses' (2009) written by Jesse Schell.
As I have read this book before and thoroughly enjoyed it, I had no problem with being asked to read this again.
Whilst reading it, I made notes on what Jesse Schell is trying to say within the book. These notes give me an idea of things I need to do to be a Games Designer.

  • I really don't need to be embarrassed of an idea, no matter how rubbish it is.
  • Always have the belief my idea is good until proven otherwise.
  • Never think of boundaries before coming up with an idea.
  • Lack fear of ridicule.
  • Decisions must be made with confidence.
  • Failure is beneficial due to learning curves.
  • It is good to have a wide variety of skills.
  • Skills; Animation, anthropology, architecture, brainstorming, business, cinematography, communication, creative writing, economics, engineering, history, management, mathematics, music, psychology, public speaking, sound design, technical writing, visual arts.
  • Listening is the most important skill.
    • Listen to your team
    • Listen to your audience
    • Listen to your game
    • Listen to your client
    • Listen to yourself
  • If you have the major gift, the love for games design, you will design games using whatever limited skills you have. you will keep doing it. Your love for the work will shine through.
  • Practice is also very important.
Overall it has been a great inspiration for me, who from before the course may sometimes doubt my own ability to complete the tasks at an acceptable level. This makes me believe in my own abilities to a whole new level. Knowing that to be a Games Designer i just need to believe I am one.

Most of all I've learnt to LOVE MY WORK.

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