Wednesday 28 March 2012

'La Decima Vittima'

During one of Eddie's lessons we watched a film called 'La decima vittima'. The idea of this film comes close to others I have seen before. Whilst watching this I often found a close relation to the film 'Battle Royale', this is due to the plot being based around a selection of players having to fight for survival for one reason or another. In th ecase of 'La decima vittima' players are fighting for money, $1million to be precise. Along with money, winners would become seen as a national hero, playing a large part for character driven by their egos. The reason for the hunt is to prevent war within humanity by tempting violent people to partake, removing the temptation to become violent in public.
 I really enjoyed watching the film and seeing how the story panned out. I also found parts humorous due to the exaggeration of events. This film is a good example of how people cannot resist the temptation of playing a game, even if it risks putting themselves in danger or harming others. 

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