Wednesday 2 November 2011

Creating Bibliography

The task set was for us to experiment with 'Zotero' by creating a bibliography. I didn't have any luck with Zotero because the computer I was using was not very good and is just odd. However I had a look at the Harvard Referencing System to help me with typing up. So technically I haven't completed the task but I did the best that was available to me at the time.
Here is my attempt at doing so:

-Rosenweig, G. (2011) ActionScript 3.0, Game Programming University, 2nd Ed., Que.

-Koster, R. (2005) Theory of Fun for Game Design., Paraglyph Press.

-Salen, K. Zimmerman, E. (2006) The games design reader: A Rules of Play Anthology. MIT Press

-Peters, J. & Miller, B., 2011. Common Sense Game Design: Steal These Ideas 1st ed., A K Peters/CRC Press.

-Knowledge Quest. (2011) USING VIDEO GAMES TO EMBRACE INQUIRY: learning for life through fun. 40 (1): 66-69

-Turner, M.C., 2006. GAMES PEOPLE PLAY. Black Enterprise, 36(10), p.53.


  1. If you look at the task again, you'll see it asks for two full length books, two contributions to a book and two journal articles.

    Thus far, this bibliography appears to consist of two full-length books, one journal article without author or journal details, and one collection.

    Have a look at my bibliography for an example of what you should be aiming for:

  2. The Knowledge Quest article is by Mary Fran Daley.

  3. Hi Chris, I'm having a pre-xmas cruise through the blogs and have noticed your bibliography still needs a tweak. It was nice of Librarian Fran to identify the author of the Knowledge Quest article.
