Thursday 10 November 2011

Chance and skill

Last friday we read an article about chance and skill in games. We then discussed what each of the these do to the game experience for a player.

Why chance?:
  • Chance offers opportunities for people of different skill levels to win.
  • Chance offers more ways to win.
  • Chance prevents absolute mastery.
  • Chance is very good for adding drama.
  • Chance means you cant always rely on the same strategy to mean the same outcome.
  • Chance increases the replayability
  • Chance makes the game more competetive.
Enhancing decision making:
The essence of most games is the decisions players make. Players of a game with no chance mean they know all the information and know the exact outcome of every decision they make. Therefore some of these decisions are not exciting.

Mechanics of chance:
  • Dice
  • Cards
  • Random number genration
  • Fog of War
  • Hidden information
Elements of skill:
A good game is a series of interesting decisions. The success of decisions - whether mental or physical reaction- is a measure of skill.
good games also reward them with  immediate and obvious feedback for the decisions they make.

If a game is pure skill it can become boring and doesnt reward those players who are more skilled than others. They can sometimes be seen as unfair.

Blind decisions:
this is where you are asked to make a decision without you having any information on it. This will mean you are unaware of the consequences and also eliminates control.

Obvious decisions:
These are mostly things that should be automated as they are pointless options that dont need to be provided to the player.

This is where there is no right or wrong answer. Just tactics.

-Tradeoff mechanics:
  • Auctions - makes a fair way for players to gain an advantage.

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