Wednesday, 19 October 2011

'Games Design Atoms' from 'Challenges for Games Designers'

Rob also asked us to read chapter 2 of the 'Challenges for Games Designers'. This chapter was titled 'Games Design Atoms' (as corrected by Tom Sharman).
This chapter is mainly about explain some of the basics of starting to create a game. Whilst reading the chapter I made notes on parts that stood out for me (The majority being quotes from the book).
I shall start with:

The games state and game views:
  • 'game state' - a collection of all the relevant virtual information that may change during play.
  • Players are not always aware of the entire game state. Depending on the players actions, unseen reactions throughout other places in the game may occur.
  • The portions of the game the player cannot see is called the 'game view'.
  • The 'game space' is used to described the entire area that the game covers.
Players, Avatars and game bits:
By definition, all games have players since its the players who set the rules in motion. The player may not necessarily be a visible character and therefore not important when it comes to context, as there are games that are not story based which don't give any background on the character. However it is necessary for a player to be present so that actions can be made. Without a character making decisions, isn't it a video?

Mechanics is another term for what others might commonly call a rule. Mechanics are rules that act upon the players, avatars and game bits, game state and game views, and describe all the ways to change the game state.
Common classes of mechanics that are found in games:
  • Setup - Must always be at least 1 rule that describes how the game begins.
  • Conditions - At least 1 rule that describes how the game is won. 
  • Progression of play - Who goes first, and how? Turn based or real time? Also, who goes next?
  • Player actions - Referred to as 'verbs'. What players can do and what effect those actions have on the game state.
  • Definition of Game views - Mechanics define exactly what information each player knows at any given time.
A pattern of play that comes from the mechanics once they're set in motion by players. E.g 'Race to the end' and 'Territorial acquisition'

Ultimate game goal is the victory condition sometimes called 'missions' or 'quests'. these typically provide rewards to motivate players to continue to progress.

By reading this chapter it has helped me define key terms used by games designers and to understand part of the process that needs to be followed when thinking of making a game. I will apply this new knowledge to future circumstances as I believe this reading has cleared up a few things for me.

Cheers Rob for pointing it out! 

1 comment:

  1. Good summary of the chapter here. Glad you enjoyed the reading.

