Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Games Britannia: Parts 2 & 3

During one of Eddie's lesson we managed to finish the BBC4 series of 'Games Brittania'. This post is to follow on from my first, referring to Part 1.

 The same as Part one, Part 2 is presented by Benjamin Wooley. Part two focuses on how this game was influenced by America to promote the 'American dream' and how it was made as an instrument of moral and political instruction.
Wooley went on to explain the success of 'Monopoly', the best selling board game ever made. Exploring the background of Monopoly, Wooley revealed the game was invented in America but was influenced by the English board game 'The game of landlords'.

Again, Part 3 is presented by Benjamin Wooley. However this episode takes a different approach as it looks at the evolution of gaming from board games to video games. One of the largest contributions to the evolution was the release and success of the Playstation 1. Wooley then goes on to look at the development of the games themselves, for example how it became possible for players to make decisions within a game and how the players began to have an effect on the path of the story, for example Grand Theft Auto.

Overall the series has provided me with a better insight into the background of the most popular board games ever made. Other information about the evolution or board games to video games I already knew, but it was still interesting to watch all of compiled together.

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